
Operations is an easy-to-overlook aspect of any business. As long as the work is getting done, why rock the boat?

However, at Apollo 21 we’ve found that when companies are ready to graduate from “doing things that don’t scale” in pursuit of hockey-stick growth, the need for technology-supported operational processes can become a make-it-or-break-it factor in success.

Our Operations Capabilities

Digital + Business Transformation

Whether we’re building new platforms or integrating 3rd party solutions, the team at Apollo 21 excels at helping companies through transformation efforts by assessing key needs and opportunities, weighing “build vs. buy” decisions, and designing custom software that fits your company’s operational needs like a fine (space) suit.

Process Assessment

We often find that when companies are struggling to keep up with sudden growth, the cause is an outdated approach or a complete lack of clearly defined process. The team at Apollo 21 is highly adept at helping stakeholders assess what works today (and what doesn’t).

Workflow Design + Automation

One of the key challenges to growth, especially if your company has previously focused on “doing things that don’t scale” (which is excellent advice!), is growth. The obvious way to scale “unscalable” processes is to commit more manpower at higher expense. We work with companies to execute the alternative: define and automate key workflows.

Case Studies

Meeting Cost Calculator

Save ⏳ and 💰 by understanding the cost of company meetings.

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Standardizing Workflows and Streamlining Operations

Apollo 21 specializes in helping teams build workflow automations and creating process efficiencies through technology.

View the Case Study

Remote Guarding

Workflow management, automation, and alerting for remote video security.

View the Case Study

Teton Ridge: Technical Product Management

How the Apollo 21 team managed the build and release of multiple applications at the same time.

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Teton Ridge: Mission Control

Utilizing our proprietary Mission Control platform to make data management and insight generation simple and fast.

View the Case Study

Financial Services

Workflow automation and management capable of supporting thousands of daily requests.

View the Case Study


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