Validate from zero.

Apollo 21’s Launchpad program is designed to support founders and organizations who have an unvalidated idea for a startup, product, or new business venture.

Think of us as your “co-founders as a service.”

Select Ventures

Vibe and SeshMudunuri Ventures

How It Works

We guide ambitious founders through a start-up validation process grounded in entrepreneurial best practices and developed through our team’s experience building and launching new ventures. Think of Launchpad like a start-up accelerator program for idea validation.

Clients can choose from individual service offerings or a complete validation package.


Our first step is to work closely with key stakeholders, founders, and organizational team members to gain a clear understanding of the opportunity, the business goal, and the KPIs that will prove success.

Market Research + Competitive Analysis

We’ll ground our Discovery efforts in key research to identify “known unknowns” and key challenges that may arise when building this new venture. Our team will also work to identify existing competitors within the space to determine opportunities for differentiation.

Design Sprints

The Apollo 21 team will conduct a Design Sprint with key stakeholders. This fast-paced process is designed to engender perspectives and solutions from across the team, regardless of expertise. We’ll work together to clarify the long-term goal, the key pain points on the user journey, and the ideal solution to the most pertinent problem.

Just-Good-Enough Prototype

Based on the output of the Design Sprint process, the Apollo 21 team will build a prototype of the selected solution over a 3-day period. This just-good-enough prototype usually surfaces as a lightly designed, clickable prototype built in a service like Figma.

Qualitative User Testing

Utilizing our prototype as a “prop,” we’ll conduct five user interviews with folks from the core target market for this new venture. We find that five, 1:1 interviews are enough to gain valuable feedback on the idea without exceeding the point of diminishing returns for the time spent.

Quantitative Validation

Assuming the idea is validated through the qualitative user testing, we will then release a template-based landing page featuring the key values of this new venture. Through targeted social ads, we’ll drive traffic to the page to test the conversion rate of indicated interest while also building pre-launch traction for the offering.

Work With Us

Ready to validate your start-up idea or new venture?

Contact Us

Case Studies

Meeting Cost Calculator

Save ⏳ and 💰 by understanding the cost of company meetings.

that costs $20,000 of other people's time.
View the Case Study

Vibe & Sesh

A social video platform for cannabis lovers everywhere.

that costs $20,000 of other people's time.
View the Case Study

Simplified Music Licensing for On-Demand Fitness

Making music licensing straightforward in a world of complex rights management.

that costs $20,000 of other people's time.
View the Case Study