Your "co-founders" as a service.

Apollo 21 Ventures offers founders and brands with an already-validated product or new venture idea the support and breadth of knowledge behind our experienced entrepreneurial team.

Select Ventures

Music Licensing for On-Demand FitnessAuthored.appMeeting Cost Calculator

How It Works

We partner with established brands and visionary founders to transform validated ideas into viable businesses and create the technology to launch these new ventures. Apollo 21 Ventures engages partners on a work-for-hire basis, and for particularly compelling projects, on a discount-for-equity structure.


We begin every Venture by collaborating deeply with founders and/or key stakeholders to gain a clear understanding of the opportunity, the business goal, technology needs, and the KPIs that will prove success. Projects that engage with Apollo 21 Ventures after graduating our Launchpad workflow usually skip this step.

Crawl → Walk → Run Planning

While there are plenty of perspectives on what exactly makes for a great Minimum Viable Product, we’re firm believers in starting small, garnering customer feedback, and iterating over time. This planning effort focuses on clearly defined product requirements and prioritization to ensure your MVP hits the sweet spot of effort vs. functionality.

UX + UI Design

Once functional requirements and prioritization are clear, the Apollo 21 team will focus on both the user experience (UX) design and the aesthetic appeal (UI design) of your digital product.

Software Architecture Planning

Concurrent with our designers’ focus on the usability and visual appeal of the product, our technology team will build clear technical requirements and plan software architecture to ensure a successful and scalable MVP.


When broken out individually, these steps may sound reminiscent of a waterfall process — rest assured, our process is agile and iterative at every step. Execution takes place throughout the process with engineering efforts often overlapping or even preceding other aspects of your project. You’ll be kept up-to-date with weekly check-ins throughout the build of your new product.

Work With Us

Ready to build the MVP for your already-validated start-up idea?

Contact Us

Case Studies

Meeting Cost Calculator

Save ⏳ and 💰 by understanding the cost of company meetings.

These days, it's harder to expense a twix than it is to call a meeting that costs $20,000 of other people's time.
View the Case Study

Simplified Music Licensing for On-Demand Fitness

Making music licensing straightforward in a world of complex rights management.

These days, it's harder to expense a twix than it is to call a meeting that costs $20,000 of other people's time.
View the Case Study

Sticking it to the (publishing) man by putting authors in control.

These days, it's harder to expense a twix than it is to call a meeting that costs $20,000 of other people's time.
View the Case Study