Key Differentiators

We’re not like other venture studios. We operate differently, invest differently, and collaborate relentlessly. Our operating principles, attention to detail, and our step-by-step approach to validating and building new ventures make us stand out — but these differentiators set us apart.

Our Principles

Crawl ➔ Walk ➔ Run.

Build small. Grow nimbly. Pivot when necessary. Achieve scale.

Done is better than perfect.

Until it’s validated and tangible, it’s an idea not a business.

We expect our ventures to outgrow us.

And we build for that eventuality from the outset.

Why We’re Unique

Co-Founders as a Service

Our team becomes an extension of your team. We collaborate, relentlessly, to fill your C-Level, execution-focused roles so that your time can be spent guiding and honing the business.

Business > Technology

We focus on business goals first and technology second. This approach is the key to delivering transformative results that change the trajectory of your business. The tech is just there to help.

We’re not a venture fund.

Unlike many venture studios, we don’t have a fund. Instead, we invest our time by operating a co-founders-as-a-service model on either a work-for-hire or a discount-for-equity basis.

We can build your team.

We know you’ll want your technical team to sit in-house, eventually. We can build a team to execute your product and then transition the team over to you when the timing is right.

Work With Us

Ready to validate or launch your start-up idea or new venture?

Contact Us